Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Cluj is Pretty!

This is going to be a great transfer! Haha Elder C is really cool and a hard worker. Very good at the language, very motivated, haha he's the kind of guy who could get along with anyone. And we have pretty similar personalities, so I have high hopes for this transfer haha.

And the branch!! Holy cow I feel like I'm in America again! I feel like this branch is the strongest one that I've served in. There are a lot of members, they don't have a chapel but the Villa is huge, and there are tons of kids. So the church is kind of loud haha. But I love it.

And the Elders Quorum is large and super fun. They were talking all about how important home teaching is and the branches new mission plan (that's a first for me out here) includes getting better at home teaching. It also involves us meeting with members and involving them more in missionary work.

The branch is very motivated right now. They've been hovering around the level of active tithe payers and members needed to build a chapel for a while, and they really want to get it this year. So that involves reactivation as well as baptisms.

A big problem that they've had is that the missionaries here have been pretty lax lately, so there hasn't really been anything big happen lately. But the missionaries and members are really motivated to get the branch moving forward now. So we're pretty hopeful for this year.

The branch is freaking awesome. Haha we actually have a branch mission plan and mission leader! They're very enthusiastic about the work, which makes me very happy. In places where the members don't really care about it, nothing happens. It's very hard to do missionary work without members. So this will be a great experience.

And the city itself is just straight up gorgeous. Pictures just will not do it justice. It feels so European. Haha and there are hills and lots of villas and it's just really cool. We live right next to a cemetary and so we walk through it a lot and it is really beautiful as well.

This past week has been basically just english contacting, but we will hopefully get some lessons set up at some point. We have resolved to try as much as we can to get this branch rolling again. It deserves it. So that's basically it! I love Cluj!

Haha also heads up Dad you'll probably see some money spent soon. I've heard it might be getting colder, and my coat hasn't been very warm, and up until now it's been one of the mildest winters on record in Romania... so if it gets colder I'm going to get a better coat. Also I'm in need of new pants and some other things.

ALSO Cluj is where a lot of missionaries get books leather bound for really cheap. So I'm getting some of mine done but also some people have sent some to get bound and we might need to spot them. So not too much but more money will be coming out this transfer than last transfer. Just heads up.

Oh also, I met the lady that Dad's been working with! She lives here and goes to the Cluj branch so that's pretty cool!

Anyway have a great week everyone!

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