We have language/gospel class for about 6 or 7 hours, and study time for basically the rest of every day except wednesday (P-day) and sunday. In class we learn the language by learning gospel stuff.
We have gym time basically every day, where we usually either play volleyball or run, though yesterday we found the other gym which had some pretty nice free weights and stuff. We study sooooo much though. But it's weird; it doesn't feel like too much. It's hard but doable.
Oh! Guess what! Yesterday we got to go to a devotional by Elder Russel M. Nelson! It was awesome. Every tuesday night is a devotional featuring a general authority, and usually it's a member of the Seventy, but occasionally it's an apostle, but here's the catch: they don't tell us who it is beforehand! So we were all wondering until the moment he walked out who it was and then I saw everybody stand up and he was there. It was intense.
Thanks for all the letters and the package! And sorry nobody was allowed to call home for mothers' day. Some of the elders reasoned that we should be able to email our moms because we couldn't call, but I figured you'd want me to follow the rules right? Haha the food here is interesting. It's usually not amazing, but I find myself getting a bit of everything because I want to know how it tastes. I've gained 5 pounds since being here. But our teacher said that everyone who goes to Romania loses weight so... yeah.
My companion is from VA, which is really close to where we used to live! Me and Elder M have been assigned the role of Sacrament coordinators, which means we basically function as the teachers and have been the priests but we just found out we can delegate that to other people too.
I've decided to try to read all of D&C before I leave the MTC, because I've never done that before. I've taken in more information, and prayed more often in this two week period than I ever had in that amount of time. It's like church all day every day but I love it! I love all of you guys! I love the support from all of you! I can't believe I only have a month left in the MTC!
Oh and I found out that I don't need a visa to go into Romania, so I don't expect any problems getting into the country!:) Oh and we found out that our investigator was actually our teacher, and that he is a native of Romania! And he is awesome. I forsee that helping quite a bit with our cultural integration.
Well I'll get to you later! Eu vreu ca voi sa stiti ca Isus te iubeste. Acesta biserica este adevarat. Eu va iubesc!
Love, Elder DeGraw
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