Sunday, October 19, 2014

The week of super cool people

What's up!

Hey so there's this really cool word in Romanian called "chef" (pronounced "kef"). It means basically "energy", "motivation", "drive", "ability", and/or "desire" all in one word. It's such a great word. It's one of those words that works a lot better in Romanian and I will be really sad when I have to go back to people not knowing what that means.

Anyway. Something I've noticed from being out here, is that with time, I have lost chef for some things. The main one that I'm talking about is the reason why my letters home are so lame, because I've lost a lot of chef. So I try, but it's a mix of not having a lot of chef, and not remembering what happens during the week, why my letters home suck so much. But here goes.

So this week actually had some really cool things happen! Where to start. Okay so there is this english student who is super cool. She came to english one time, and for the spiritual thought we watched the Joseph Smith movie. She stayed for the whole thing and came to church the next day.

Then she brought her son in law to english class.

Then we had a lesson set up with both of them. But they bunged us... BUT.

Then last week they both came to english and we set up another lesson with them. And they both came and she brought one of her friends too!

So we got 3 new investigators there!

And he's super cool, he's got a whole bunch of super cool tattoos (a super sick one of buddha on his hand that you can see in the picture that will follow) and a nice classy eyebrow piercing, and is just a cool person to be around and is really open, as is his soacra. So they're super cool and I could see super cool things coming from them.

Also, saturday for General conference, a random guy showed up. That morning, he left his house with a goal to find a church. The first person he asked was the elders' quorum president, whom he asked because he saw him smiling, dressed well, and with his happy little family. The member told him about conference and he came! I think his story is kind of poetic honestly. He was in prison for two years in the prison just down the street from the church. I'll just leave that part there.

So that was really cool. And also, the sisters have an english student who started coming to english this last week, who basically hung out with us this whole weekend for conference, and has a baptismal date now! And she's super cool, super normal, super interested, and our age, and any one of those characteristics are hard enough on their own!

So that's really cool. And we're really excited for her.

Loved conference, hope you all did too.

Hope everyone had a great week!!

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