Saturday, November 1, 2014

Happy Day

Woot! So last week was really cool. On saturday, there was a baptism in the branch! The sisters' investigator, who has been meeting with them for like 2 weeks, just got baptized! She's really cool, she was so happy to get baptized and it was really cool. I haven't seen a baptism out here in a branch that I've been in for more than a year so it was really cool! She's super cool, and is already and will continue to be a great member.

This last week I also got to go on an exchange with Elder C, which was awesome. It was just like the good old days haha. We became really good friends so it was great to catch up and just go back to what it was back then for a little while. I was serving with him 6 month ago, which coincidentally is how much time I now have left...

Lets see... other than the baptism, the exchanges... oh! I had a migraine this week... So that was fun. We had district meeting in the morning and then we had to go home because I was incapacitated haha. So that happened.

Then church was a little interesting, both in good and bad ways. So the confirmation of the investigator was awesome, plus Elder G, one of my past companions, who's from Ploiesti, was here basically giving his homecoming talk because he ends his mission next week and will be going to Italy with his mom for a few months before coming back. Also President I was there and gave a talk in sacrament meeting. So those things were cool.

But then in Elders' Quorum, there was this one member, who's usually so normal, who started going off about reincarnation and a whole bunch of stuff and I was so confused because he's like a super normal, active member, and has been for a while. But maybe I've just not seen him like that before.
But anyway.

Oh and last night I taught a guitar lesson! That was the second lesson we've done. Her mother is interested in the church and the sisters' investigator, and I've been teaching her a little bit on the guitar. So that's been kind of fun. So yup!!

We also had a really good lesson with our investigator and he's got some potential and we're really excited for him.

Have a great week everybody!!
-Elder DeGraw

(Pictures: the first time we filled the font up, and Botez pics)

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